Pictured: (1) FSU President John Thrasher (left), Rachael Rosko (center), GGSS advisor Raphael Kampmann (right), (2) Rachael Rosko (left) and her mother Edith Rosko (right), (3) Group Photo of 2018 GGSS Inductees



  • University recognition on official academic transcript for excellence in leadership, internship, and international experience


“The Garnet and Gold Scholar Society facilitates involvement and recognizes the engaged, well-rounded student who excels within and beyond the classroom in the areas of Leadership, Service, Internship, International and Research. A student who has met the criteria in three of the five areas and writes an approved synthesis project is eligible for consideration as an inductee into the society.” [1] Special recognition for induction into the society is designated on my official university transcript.

My three engagement areas completed were Leadership, Internship, and International. “An effective leadership learning experience is an educational, developmental or engagement activity with the intentional purpose of developing and enhancing leadership knowledge and practice.” [2] “Effective internships are typically single-semester or at least six-week, paid or unpaid major/ career-related work experiences designed to help students understand the professional applications, theories, ideas, principles and concepts of their academic studies. Involvement may be part-time, as little as 10 hours a week, or full-time.” [3] “An effective international experience is defined as participation in an FSU-approved intensive international experience of at least one week abroad in which students collaborate effectively with people from cultures different than their own.” [4]

[1] Garnet and Gold Scholar Society, The Center for Leadership and Social Change, https://thecenter.fsu.edu/recognition/garnet-gold-scholar-society

[2] Leadership Engagement, Garnet and Gold Scholar Society, https://garnetandgoldscholar.fsu.edu/engagement-areas/leadership-engagement

[3] Internship Engagement, Garnet and Gold Scholar Society,https://garnetandgoldscholar.fsu.edu/engagement-areas/internship-engagement

[4] International Engagement, Garnet and Gold Scholar Society, https://garnetandgoldscholar.fsu.edu/engagement-areas/international-engagement